GIVING TREE MUSIC Facilitated Drum Circles & More!
Team Building, Trainings, Enrichment and Social Emotional Learning Through Human Connection
All Ages and All Abilities!
Team Building, Trainings, Enrichment and Social Emotional Learning Through Human Connection
All Ages and All Abilities!
We are based in the Southeast US, and travel all over the world to deliver rhythm to any and all!
For over 25 years we have been offering drum circles for corporate teambuilding events, schools, libraries, festivals, conferences, special needs groups, youth detention centers and senior facilities all over the USA.
We use our drums as the vehicle to transport a group of people to a place of stronger community and to foster a deeper connection with each other. Our mission is to facilitate teamwork, respect, and the understanding that together we can create more!
Shake, Body BOOM! is an excellent opportunity for groups to realize their own potential! No matter how small you think your voice is - you can make a BIG difference when you connect with your community to create something larger than yourself!
We use smaller instruments for an easier set up - and together we make BIG music!
Perfect for large groups and tight schedules!
Everyone need to take a moment to slow down all the activities of life and just be in a quiet moment. We are excited to now offer 15- 45 minute mindfulness meditations and guided visualizations for everyone, as well as offer immediate tools and techniques to take home for those just starting to explore the different modalities of mindfulness practice.
Stand Up, Speak Up combines the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with live drumming by Paul Gavin to expose audiences to the important calls to action that Dr. King proclaimed during the civil rights movement. After being introduced to Dr. King, audiences will watch his speeches and hear a number of his most powerful quotes, accompanied by the drums live. Afterward, Paul leads an interactive discussion about MLK’s ideas as they apply today.
This inclusive and entirely immersive experience on the beach in Puerto Rico will leave memories and learnings that will last a lifetime.
Enjoy the sounds of the island with live music, cultural performances and workshops - AND experience the world famous Community Drum Circle on the beach Aguadilla!
Taste the local cuisine prepared at the onsite restaurant and bar, then enjoy the pool, sea glass hunting, snorkeling, crafting, shopping - or just chill on the beach relax and soak up some sun...
Connect with other like minded individuals and learn about the inner workings of the community drum circle. We will explore deep listening exercises, and dive into what really makes the drum circle "tick" - as well as learn ways enhance YOUR enjoyment of YOUR community drum circle at home!
*A limited supply of drums and percussion WILL be provided by REMO Inc.
The Drum Circle Summer Camp is a 5 day, inclusive experience for drum circle enthusiasts and music appreciators, drum circle facilitators, music teachers, community leaders and ANYONE who enjoys being around others who love everything drumcircle!
Limited shared rooms and private rooms available. Transportation to events and on site entertainment as well as meals will be included pricing.
We are excited to offer this immersive 6 and 20 hour Playshops for - Music Teachers, Music Therapists, Group Leaders and more!
Learn how to bring the magic of music and Social Emotional Learning to YOUR community!
Grab your drum or percussion instrument and jam with us!
We appreciate your support for recreational drumming across the United States and the world!