"Our mind is like water, and our different emotions and feelings are the fish who are swimming in that water.
It is important to be the water - not the fish...."
Sometimes we ALL need to slow down, re-group and find our center.
Giving Tree Music has a NEW interactive experience to help guide YOU and your groups through the process of slowing down and paying closer attention to what is happening inside our body - as well as what is happening all around us.
We will learn about and discuss the different modalities of meditation, as well as some of the musical instruments used to help create a space for meditation - hand pans, singing bowls, chimes, didgeridoos and more!
We will lead the group in a 7-10 minute guided visualization and meditation focusing on finding a quiet place in our minds and also various strategies for coping with stress and anxiety. Participants can take these new tools and techniques with them to practice on their own.
For more information or to book now, please email us TODAY!
Take a few moments and experience our Guided Visulization video here - then book your live Mindfulness Meditation TODAY!